Thursday, October 24, 2013


I don't think smoking weed is as bad as smoking cigs. But only because I am not against weed doesn't mean I think it's totally okay for anyone to smoke it. I think only certain people should actually be able to use this. I don't consider it addicting. It just becomes a habit for some people. I don't see as many negative effects like cigs do. I find it chill for people to smoke weed, at times. Reason being, they keep it cool and not scandalous. According to some study, smoking weed doesn't seem to affect lung function.

Some people only smoke weed, and I think that's totally fine. At least they're not out there doing some hard-core stuff. If it was crack, meth, cocaine, or something it would've been worse. But no these people are just straight chilling and relaxing.

I'm not saying they should legalize it. I just think they shouldn't judge people because of this. It's not as bad as cigs. Besides if they smoke, what's it to you?

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